ISA Forum 2012: Instructions for Session Chairs

Dear RC33 Session Chairs for the ISA Forum 2012,
The Call for Papers for the 2nd ISA Forum of Sociology (Buenos Aires, August 1-4, 2012) is open until December 15, 2011. Only abstracts submitted by the following conference website can be considered (If you have received any abstracts directly, please inform these individuals that they need to submit their abstracts through the on-line system by the December 15 deadline in order for their abstracts to be considered.):
All in All, RC33 will have 13 sessions, 6 of which are Joint Sessions. Please find an overview over the sessions and the CfPs. RC33 has advertised all sessions over the RC33 newsletter. However, we strongly recommend (if you have not already done so) to advertise your “personal” CfP over your own research networks. We believe that this is especially important, as most Sessions have a thematic focus.
Please also find a timetable for the Conference and step-by-step instructions for Session Organizers that explain how you can organize your Session via the Conference online system Confex. I have just entered all of you as Session Organizers for your respective session, so you should have already been provided with the link and login password in a separate email from Confex. There are still some mistakes on the Conference website itself concerning some RC33 sessions – I am currently trying to find out how to get rid of them.
Confex is designed to make the process of planning sessions as user-friendly as possible. It allows you to view and select abstracts for your specific session. Abstracts can also be downloaded for offline review. Please decide whether papers are accepted for oral presentation by January 15, 2011. Sessions last 90 minutes, with 6 papers per session. All other papers should be listed as distributed papers in the relevant session. These papers will be listed in the programme and if a participant does not show up, the first participant listed under distributed papers will be asked to present his/her paper.
Please do not commence your final selection of abstracts before December 16, 2011, as a majority of abstracts will be submitted close to the deadline. Therefore, it is important that the final selection of abstracts does not commence before this deadline so as to ensure a fair and comprehensive review process. When choosing the papers for presentation, please make sure that you select papers from at least two countries. You can reject papers or forward a paper that is good but not suited for that specific session to the Programme Coordinators (that is me and fort Joint Sessions the respective Programme Coordinator of the other RC).
Please note that the we (the Programme Coordinators) might also transfer papers between sessions and can access and review each of the sessions being organized, as the RC33 board is ultimately responsible for planning the final RC33 programme in a timely and fair manner. We will announce the final selection of approved session papers no later than January 31, 2012. You need to inform all submitters for your session whether their abstract was approved or rejected prior to this date.
We will then complete their session schedules before March 1, 2012. All presenters for your session should be reminded to register by April 10, 2012; otherwise they will automatically deleted from the programme by ISA.
Finally, please note that at least one session organizer of Joint Sessions and all session organizers of RC33-only sessions have to be members of RC33 by the time the programme is finalized (i.e. March 1, 2012).
Best wishes,
Nina Baur
(RC 33 Secretary)
Prof. Dr. Nina Baur
Technical University Berlin
School VI: Planning – Building – Environment
Department of Sociology
Research Area Methods of Social Research
Franklinstr. 28/29 (FR 2-5)
10587 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 314-794 67
Tel. (Secretary): +49 30 314-228 11
Fax: +49 30 314-794 94