RC33 members have full online access to the RC33 journal Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique (BMS). RC33 membership entitles full access both to the latest BMS issue sand BMS archive.
RC33 E-Newsletter.
Fee reduction for RC33 interim conference.
Notifications by email of important events and opportunities.
There are two ways:
RC33-ISA members. As a member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) you can also join the RC33 committee. Read more here
The number of RC33-ISA members directly influences our position at ISA, so please consider becoming an RC33-ISA member.
Membership is valid for 4 calendar years. The membership fee varies in relation to the type of membership.
RC33-ISA members: 60 US-Dollar (regular) and 20 US-Dollar (student) paid directly to ISA (plus ISA administration fees, see here).
RC33-only members: Membership categories A, B, and C:
Cat A: €60,- regular and €30,- student.
Cat B: €25,- regular and €12,50,- student.
Cat C: €8,- regular and €4,- student.
RC33-only membership received until October 15 will be processed for the ongoing calendar year; memberships received after October 15 will be processed for the following calendar year. RC33-only membership fee is not refundable.