Call for papers | ISA World Congress 2014

Dear RC33 members.
RC33 is participating at the XVIII World Congress of Sociology (13-19 July, 2014) with 18 sessions. See the call for papers at here. The titles of our sessions are:
- Panel Data Analysis of Families Worldwide
- Analysing and Counteracting Undesired Response Patterns in Survey Research
- Challenges to the Secondary Analysis of Large-Scale Cross-National Comparative Surveys
- Cognitive Aspects of Survey Research
- Dealing with Nonresponse: Strategies to Increase Participation and Methods for Post-Survey Adjustments
- Design Aspects of Response Scales in Surveys
- Facing the Challenges of Data Collection via Mobile Internet
- How to Think Methodology without Notion of Object nor Subject?
- Latent Constructs or Simply Descriptive Measures? Index Based Measurement and Applications
- Measuring and Making Use of Social Embeddedness in Survey Research
- Methods of Social Network Analysis
- Recent Advances in Composite Likelihood Methods for Modelling Multivariate Longitudinal Data
- Response Latencies in Survey Research: Methodology and Applications
- Spatial Methods
- Theoretical and Methodological Challenges in the Study of Different Dimensions and Aspects of Inequality
- Time Use and Daily Activities
- Using Survey Data to Describe Societies at Global Level – Is There Still a Hidden Treasure?
- Well-being and Quality of Life. Methodological Challenges for Cross-National Surveys
The registration for the conference and the abstract submission is now open. The paper proposals are accepted by September 30, 2013. You can submit them using the ISA online system.
When submitting abstracts, also keep in mind the following ISA rule:
“Limited appearance in the Program Participants may be listed no more than twice in the Program. This includes all types of participation – except being listed as Program Coordinator or Session Organizer. Program Coordinators and Session Organizers can organize a maximum of two sessions where their names will be additionally listed in the program. A “participant” is anyone listed as an author, co-author, plenary speaker, roundtable presenter, poster presenter, panelist, critic, discussant, session (co)chair, or any similar substantive role in the program. A participant cannot present and chair in the same session.”
Here are some important dates:
Abstract submission: June 3 – September 30, 2013
Abstract selection: October 4 – November 24, 2013
Notification letters to submitters: November 30, 2013
Deadline for conference registration: April 1, 2014 (in order to be included in the program).
Best regards,
Katja L. Manfreda
RC33 President