Call for papers | The RC33 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology

2nd Call for Papers for Special Issue & for Session: The RC33 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology
The 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33)
at the University of Leicester (United Kingdom)
Conference Date: September 11th – 16th, 2016
Submission Deadline for Papers: 21st January, 2016
There will be sessions on a broad range of methodological topics ranging from the following topics:
- Survey Methodology and other QUAN Approaches
- QUAL Methods
- Mixed Methods
- New Data Types
- Methods for Longitudinal and Comparative Research
- Paradata, Metadata, Meta-Analysis and Harmonization
- Methods for Substantial Research Fields
Please check the Conference Website for a full list of sessions
Conference Website
Please find further information on ISA RC33 (Research Committee on Logic & Methodology of the International Sociology Association) on
How to Submit an Abstract
- To submit a paper abstract for any session of the RC33 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, you should visit: After landing on the homepage, navigate to ‘Abstract Submission’, which appears in the top left hand column of the webpage. - Complete the form in full. You may wish to cut and paste your abstract into the Abstract field from another document.
- Choose the relevant session for your stream. To do so you will need to select the relevant lead session organiser from the drop-down menu highlighted in the image below. To check you are submitting to the correct session, you can view a table of sessions and session convenors by clicking the link entitled ‘View the list of sessions and session convenors’. Once complete, click submit.