Call for RC33 panel organizer | The World social sciences Forum

Hi everybody,
The World social sciences Forum will be held in Montreal October 13-15 2013. The organizers want to put emphasis on methods and would like to get a better participation of French-speaking researchers. The theme pertains to social transformations and the Digital age.
People here asked me whether RC33 could organize a panel but I organized a panel myself together with WAPOR. Are some other people interested in organizing RC33 session(s) (that could be in French or in English)?
Please,contact Claire Durand for more details.
Claire Durand
professeur titulaire
département de sociologie
Université de Montréal
téléphone bureau: 514-343-7447
téléphone cellulaire: 514-622-7826
Secrétaire-trésorière World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR)
Membre Centre d’étude sur la citoyenneté démocratique (CECD)
Vice-présidente, (ISA – RC33) Association internationale de méthodologie sociologique