Call for sessions | ISA World congress 2014

Dear RC33 members.
The next ISA World Congress will take place on 13-19 July 2014 in Yokohama, Japan. RC33 has always been very active, proposing and organizing several sessions at these congresses. This time we are allocated 18 sessions (based on the number of RC33-ISA members) and hopefully we will be equally active. I thus invite you to send us sessions’ proposals for the sessions of the RC33 at the ISA World Congress.
Call: Session proposals for RC33 sessions at the ISA World Congress, July 2014, Yokohama, Japan
Deadline: March 29, 2013
Session proposals should be sent by email to: (Katja Lozar Manfreda, RC33 president)
Proposal’s format: Session title, 1/2 page session description, name, affiliation and contact information of session’s organizer(s)
Notification of acceptance of sessions: April 7, 2013
See details on the type of sessions available and the timeline HERE.
Looking forward for your cooperation and best regards,
Katja Lozar Manfreda
RC33 president