ISA Congress – Call for RC33 session organizers

Call for Session Organizers
Dear RC33-member:
As you probably know, the next ISA World Congress is coming soon, or more precisely, the meeting will be from July 11 to 17, 2010, in Gothenburg, Sweden (for some details see RC33 probably will have 14 sessions that should include both qualitative and quantitative methods. On behalf of RC33 we now search for session organizers. The rules for the sessions are the same as for the previous meetings:
- All sessions have to be international, i.e. each session should include speakers of at least two countries. Further, every paper must contain a methodological problem (any area is fine); applications from the social sciences are very welcome, but they are not sufficient.
- Speakers can only have one talk in a session. This also yields for joint papers, it will be not possible to have in the same session one paper presented by A and B and another presented by B and A. This only would extend the time allocated to a paper.
- We will have sessions of 90 minutes with four to five papers each.
Please send your session proposal till January 11, 2009, to Jörg Blasius ( and Katja Lozar Manfreda ( By the end of January we should be able to tell you if we can accept your session.
Jörg Blasius, president, RC33
Katja Lozar Manfreda, secretary, RC33