Job announcement

The Faculty of Philosophy I, Institute of Sociology, of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg invites applications for a
W3 Professorship in Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences
to commence with the winter semester of 2009/10
The major teaching responsibilities assigned to this position comprise research methods (including statistical modelling) within the bachelor and master study programmes in political science, psychology, and sociology. Teaching and research activities in these areas will be coordinated in a centre of research methods to be established in the near future.
Applicants are expected to have completed their habilitation or to provide evidence for an equivalent academic qualification or an equivalent postdoctoral level of academic standing, and to demonstrate teaching experience within the field of research methods. Additional evidence is required demonstrating successfully conducted research within a pertinent field of social/political science or psychology. The willingness to participate in interdisciplinary cooperation, particularly in the humanities, and to accept responsibilities in various areas of academic self-governance is also desired. A high level of familiarity with social science and/or experimental research methods and a track record in securing research grants is most welcome.
Applicants are expected to qualify for employment according to Article 34 of the University Act of Saxony-Anhalt (HSG LSA).
Women are explicitly encouraged to apply.
Physically handicapped persons will be favoured if they are equally qualified.
The announcement for this professorship is based on a federal governmental programme for the advancement of women in academic positions. It specifically promotes the first-time appointment of women to become a university professor. In the given case, the appointment should become effective one year before the present holder of the position retires.
Letters of application (including curriculum vitae, list of publications, and detailed description of scientific career and teaching experience) should be sent till January 13, 2009 to the following address: Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultät I der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, D-06099 Halle (Saale), Germany.
Salary will be based on the current judicial and budget regulations. Application related costs will not be reimbursed.