Letter to session organizers

Dear Session organizers,
the organizing committee had his meeting in Naples and I’m happy to tell you that all your sessions have been accepted. Please inform your contributors that they should register as soon as possible (early bird registration till May 10; will probably extended to May 15). However, some of your abstracts from some of you are far away from the guidelines, we have abstracts with more than three pages – we cannot publish them in the volume of abstracts. Please, prepare the abstracts according to the guidelines:
Title of session(s)
Session organizer(s) and chair (if not different mentioned: session organizer)
(in case of more than one session for each of your sessions): Title of session and chair
Name(s) and affiliation (especially University and Email)
Text with not more than 250 words (including references), keywords (if any)
Please be very strict with the number of words, otherwise we have to cut the abstracts.
Further, we got approximately 100 additional papers sent directly to Simona Balbi; for saving time we decided to organize additional sessions and not to offer them to you, only in a very few cases we asked you to add a paper (should be already done). In other words, there will come no additional papers. We organized the sessions in streams of four and six papers (in total we have approx. 60 four-paper and 60 six-paper sessions, i.e. approx. 600 papers).
In case you have three or five papers: We either asked you to add a paper or you will receive a four- (six-) paper session (80 or 120 minutes). In this case, please give every contributor a maximum of 20 minutes for presentation (including discussion), do not use the extra time; participants should have the possibility to change sessions. The same holds, for example, if you have seven papers (and no additional paper); you will receive two four-paper sessions, in one of them you should end 20 minutes earlier.
Life is easy with four six, eight and ten papers, you get a four, a six, two four, one four and one six paper session (this yields for most of the sessions).
In case you have 12 and more papers, as a rule of thumb, we gave you as many six-paper sessions as possible; with 12 papers you got two six paper sessions instead of three four paper sessions (there might be a single exception according to the availability of rooms). So please allocate your papers according to the number of sessions you have and send the new version to Simona (sb@unina.it). We will publish the preliminary program as soon as possible (www.rc332008.unina.it).
We also pre-booked approximately 400 rooms in different hotels in Napoli (some of them in walking distance to the University, others in downtown, by public transport 20 to 30 minutes to the University, depending on the traffic and place of hotel; by taxi 10 to 20 minutes, 8 to 12 Euro), further information will come very soon.
Please inform your authors about the possibility of publishing full papers on the conference CD (but please, not more than 30 pages). The copyright will stay with the author, so you can publish an early version on CD and sending it later to a journal. The CD to be distributed during the conference (included in the fee) will be published by the University, a second edition by Barbara Budrich Publishers (as done for Cologne 2000 and Amsterdam 2004). Deadline for full paper submission is May 31.
Best wishes and looking forward to seeing all of you at latest in Naples