Call for papers | ISA Congress 2010

The RC33 Call for Papers for the 2010 Congress of the International Sociological Association has been posted at the RC33 home page at the ISA website. Submissions welcome.
Please, send a paper abstract to session organizers no later by December 15, 2009. Include: authors’ name, affiliation, e-mail, paper title and an abstract. You will be notified about the acceptance no later than January 15, 2010.
Keep in mind that:
- The paper must contain a methodological problem. Applications from the social sciences are very welcome, but they are not sufficient.
- Speakers can only have one talk in a session. This also yields for joint papers: it will be not possible to have in the same session one paper presented by A and B and another presented by B and A. This only would extend the time allocated to a paper.
- We will have sessions of 90 minutes with four to five papers each.