Revised RC33 Statutes

Dear RC33 Members.
In Fall 2011 the ISA requested us to revise the RC33 Statutes in order to more closely follow the general Statutes of the ISA. The RC33 board members have been working on the revision of our Statutes for several months and sent the revised Statutes to the ISA Status commission in January 2012. The ISA approved our revisions a week ago.
In order for the Statutes to come into effect we need to vote on them during the RC33 business meeting. Our next business meeting is already next week during the RC33 8th International Conference in Sydney. Unfortunately we have received an approval from the ISA Status Committee too late to circulate the revised Statutes among the RC33 members and to ask for your further recommendations regarding the Statutes well in advance of the business meeting. Nevertheless, since the next business meeting after the Sydney meeting is only in two years, we are circulating information on the revised RC33 Statutes now. We ask you – the members of the RC33 – to send us recommendations regarding the revised Statutes if you have any. You can send them by e-mail to katja.lozar(at) Additional recommendations can be made also at the business meeting in Sydney next week. We will try to incorporate sensible recommendations to the revised version of the Statutes and then vote on them during the Business Meeting in Sydney on Wednesday July 11, 2012: 05:15 PM – 06:00 PM (Location: Room 100). All the RC33 members that are attending the Sydney conference are invited to attend this Business Meeting and vote.
Explanation to the revised Statutes:
The current RC33 Statutes are published here. In Fall 2011 the ISA requested us to make revisions of the Statutes because the current ones are not detailed enough and not in line with the general ISA Statutes. The RC33 Board Members (special thanks to our Secretary, Nina Baur, and also to other members) prepared a revised version of the Statutes that you can find above. Mostly, there are not much substantive changes to the current Statutes, but there is much more details. There are only two substantive changes in comparison to the current Statutes:
- We suggest to add two Vice Presidents – A Vice President for the ISA World Congress Programme Coordinator (to work together with the President on preparing the call and organizing the programme for the ISA World Congress) and a Vice President for the ISA Forum programme Coordinator (to work together with the Secretary on preparing the call and organizing the programme for the ISA Forum). Since these two activities are very time consuming and responsible ones, it would help the President and the Secretary to have another person responsible for this.
- There are more details regarding the nomination and electoral procedures as requested by the ISA. The suggested text in the revised Statutes is now based on the ISA requirements for a more democratic procedure and includes a public call for nominations (by a ballot in the Newsletter), deadline for nominations and deadline for ballot listings of nominated candidates. It also allows electronic voting in addition to voting at the business meetings.
If any of the RC33 members have any recommendations regarding the revised Statutes, please send them by e-mail to katja.lozar(at) before the Business Meeting on July 11, 2012.
Best regards,
Katja Lozar Manfreda
RC33 President