2nd RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science Methodology & RC20 Regional Conference on Comparative Sociology in Tokyo

RC33 (Logic and Methodology in Sociology) has a long history given that it was established in 1973. It has been one of most active RCs, hosting conferences regularly all over the world. This time, RC33 is embarking a new positive project in the form of a joint conference with ISA RC20 (Comparative Sociology). RC33 has always been interested in the relationships between theory and data, as such comparisons have been, are, and will remain one of the indispensable tools for RC33. Joint sessions of the two RCs have taken place in most of the ISA conferences, but independent RC conferences have not been held as joint projects thus far.
This will be the second RC33 regional conference in Asia. The First RC33 Regional Conference on Social Science Methodology: Asia was held in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2017, where researchers exchanged research findings and new ideas on methodology. The second conference intends to broaden the horizons of methodology-conscious researchers.
It is notable that the upcoming conference will be held at Japan Women’s University. This conference by RC33, which has had women presidents since 2010, will promote diversity of society, by ensuring that no person is treated differently or less favorably on the basis of gender, disability, ethnicity, locality, etc.
The conference webpage (http://mcn-www.jwu.ac.jp/~fonaka/JC.htm) will be active shortly.
Timeline and process are as follows:
- Call for session proposals: April 3, 2020
- Close of session proposals submission: July 31, 2020
- Acceptance of session proposals: September 11, 2020
- Call for papers open (abstract submission): September 28, 2020
- Close of paper submission: December 31,2020.
- Submissions accepted and program prepared: March 12, 2021
- Registration opened: April 9, 2021
- Conference: September 13– 15, 2021
The local organizing committee:
- Fumiya Onaka (Prof. Dr., Japan Women’s University)
- Akiko Nagai (Assoc. Prof. Dr., Japan Women’s University)