Postponement of IV ISA Forum of Sociology to February 2021

We received the following message from the ISA about the postponement of the IV Forum of Sociology that we would like to share with you:
Dear members of the ISA and participants to the IV ISA Forum,
As you have been informed recently, the Executive Committee of the ISA decided to postpone the IV ISA Forum of Sociology in Porto Alegre, Brazil, to February 23-27, 2021
We are aware that this postponement may be problematic for many of you. The size and speed of the Covid-19 outbreak gave us no other solution. We will redouble our energy and motivation to use these seven months delay to make this Forum a major and insightful meeting of the global sociological community in extraordinary times.
All the activities that have been prepared for the Forum will be maintained. This includes the regular session as much as the plenaries and the common sessions. We will however provide some flexibility to the RC that would like to adapt their program and, if they decide so, to allow their participants to update the title and abstracts of their contribution to the Forum. The abstract selected for the Forum in July 2020 remain thus valid for the Forum in February 2021.
Together with a new “early registration deadline”, we have set a new calendar that allows some flexibility to RCs that wish to update and re-open some of their panels to new participants to replace the colleagues who will not be able to join us in February and to take into account the questions and challenges raised by the Covid-19 outbreak, its social impact and the world that will come out of it.
15 September – 15 October 2020
· The authors of abstracts selected for the ISA Forum will be invited to confirm their participation to the Forum before October 15th, 2020. They may update their abstract and title, in consultation with their session organizers or RC program coordinators.
15 October 2020 Final day to confirm participation by authors of the already accepted abstracts.
· The abstracts that have not been not confirmed will be automatically removed from the program
16 – 25 October 2020 Publication of the calls for new abstracts proposals by the RC/WG/TG
26 October – 12 November 2020 Submission of new abstracts proposals via online platform
12 November 2020 Deadline for new abstract submissions
24 November 2020 Authors are notified about the acceptance or rejection of their abstracts
15 December 2020 Presenters final registration deadline (early registration fees apply).
We are aware that postposing the Forum will require additional work for our RC program coordinators, presidents and boards, for the Local Organizing Committee and in particular for its president Hermilio Santos, and for the ISA Secretariat. We would like to thank each of them and ensure them we will be there to support them. On our side, have no doubt that we will use this delay to make this Forum an insightful space, to reinforce the existing panels and projects and to set up new ones, such as the “Sociological Movies section” for which a call will soon be published.
The CoVid outbreak is shaking our world in a way that no one expected and will have deep consequences on our world and the way we see it. The 2021 ISA Forum of Sociology will be a unique opportunity to learning from colleagues from all continents and sharing analyses of the crisis, its social impacts and the world that will emerge out of it with. We look very much forward to seeing all of you.
Sari Hanafi, President of the International Sociological Association
Geoffrey Pleyers, ISA Vice President for Research and President of the IV ISA Forum of Sociology